Anritsu MP1632A
3.2 GHz Digital Data Analyzer

Included in this system :
MU163220A 3.2G Pulse Pattern
MU163240A 3.2G Error Detector
MP1632A-01 GPIB Interface Board
MP1632A-03 3.2G Internal Synthesizer
MP1632A Recovery Disks
MP1632A Application Disks
3.2G BERTS Application Software Demo Disc
MP1632A Operation Manual
MP1632A Programmer Manual
& MU163240A
Operation Manual
Original Manufacturer's Test Performance Sheets For the
MP1632A, MU163220A and MU163240A.
The MP1632A Digital Analyzer is a compact lightweight
analyzer combining a transmitter and receiver for performing error detection
of high-speed digital data up to 3.2 GHz. This analyzer can measure both
continuous and burst signals, which are used in optical circuit tests which
cannot be handled by conventional BERTs.

- Incorporates pulse pattern generator and error
detector into one cabinet.
- Programmable patterns of 8 Mbit max
- Ideal for testing STM-16 / OC-48 (2.488 Gbit/sec)
- Windows-based interface with color touch screen.
- Includes floppy, GPIB, RS-232, and VGA interfaces.

- Operating frequency: 50 MHz to 3.2 GHz (1 kHz
- Test patterns:
PRBS pattern
Consecutive 0s pattern 2n
Programmable pattern 2 to 8,338,608
Pulse duty cycle can be adjust +/- 25%.
- Interface level: Variable, ECL, PECL, TTL, LVTTL
- Error rate definition range for eye margin
measurement: 1 x 10-n (n:3 to 9)

MP1632A Data Sheet PDF

This system was purchased from the factory and installed
in a stationary, single purpose lab environment and is in excellent (like
new) condition both functionally and cosmetically. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or click
here for the PDF.
MP1632A Data Sheet PDF

Shipping Policy
Buyer will pay $50.00 packing plus actual shipping and
insurance charges in the
continental United States. We will make every effort to ship within 24
hours of receipt of payment. We ship with FedEx & UPS only. We will be
glad to ship with other carriers using the purchasers shipping account.
Please contact us to make any special shipping arrangements. For shipping rate
research, our shipping address is Boulder, CO USA ---- Zip Code is 80305.
Foreign buyers:
Unless special provisions have
been made, you are responsible for making your own shipping arrangements and all
costs related to customs, duties & special packaging requirements.
Please do not ask us to quote you international shipping rates. Use the
address information above to research you own shipping rates. You can
to get the packaging fee, package weight and size for your research. Items sold outside the USA are sold as is.