HP 3563A
Dual Channel
Analog and Digital
Dynamic Signal Analyzer

Range: 64uHz to 100KHz
Analog and
digital signal measurements with 80dB or 16 bit resolution.
response and swept sine measurements
FFT based
spectrum analysis
Wave form
and transient analysis in time and frequency domains
Analog and
digital test signal output

The 3563A measures analog and digital
signals, applies analog and digital stimulus, makes swept sine and FFT
frequency response measurements, measures spectra, waveforms, and
transients, extracts models with S- and Z-domain curve fitting.
64 µHz to 100 kHz, 80 dB dynamic range,
26.5 µHz resolution over entire frequency range, ±0.15 dB amplitude
accuracy, built-in noise and sine wave sources.
AM, FM, and PM demodulation capability.
Electronic measurements include
network, spectrum, and waveform analysis.
Excellent for analysis of low frequency
signals such as audio and mechanical systems including structural dynamics
and machinery vibration.
HP-IB programmable.
Direct digital plot and direct control
or HP-IB disk drives.

This is a very late model HP 3563A as can
be seen by the cream color case trim and lighter case color. The
instrument is in excellent condition.

The HP 3563A includes a full set of
original HP manuals including:
Getting Started Guide
HP Fundamentals of Signal Analysis
HP Control System Analysis Using Control
Signal Analysis
Curve Fitting in the HP 3562A
z-Domain Curve Fitting in the HP 3563A
Fundamentals of the z-Domain and Mixed
Analog/Digital Measurement
Other additional EDN control systems

MSRP: $26,900.00
