HP 54122T System
HP 54120B
Color Digital Oscilloscope Mainframe
HP 54122A DC to 12.4 GHz
Four Channel Input Module

Manufacturer: Agilent
Model: 54120B
MSRP: $15,700.00
The HP 54120B Series of digitizing oscilloscopes combines high bandwidth, a
time domain reflectometer, four input channels, and superb stability in an
easy-to-use, fully programmable oscilloscope that needs no manual loop gain
adjustment. Whether your application involves a high-speed digital device,
interconnect or circuit characterization, high-speed telecom analysis, or
microwave design, the HP 54120B Series of digitizing oscilloscopes gives you
a new confidence in state-of-the-art measurements.

When these two pieces are combined
Agilent calls it a 54122T
Model: 54122T
MSRP: $35,600.00
The HP 54122T systems consists of the 54120B digitizing oscilloscope
mainframe and the HP 54122A. The scope has a bandwidth up to 12.4 GHz, 4
channels, 10 ps time interval accuracy, 0.25 ps time interval resolution,
0.4% verticle accuracy, 32 microvolt resolution, automatic pulse parameter
measurements, fully HPIB programmable, and a color monitor.

This system is in excellent electrical and
very good physical condition. The only item of note is some scratches on the
top of the front bezel of the HP 54120B. The 54122A is in excellent
condition and even includes SMA shorting plugs for the unused channels.
You will also find an auction for the
54118A 18GHz trigger module which is an excellent addition to this system
for sale on eBay currently. The
Auction is #2508442990 For
more information on the trigger module, contact Bart or Steve @ Nolatek
