HP 54645D
Dual Channel 100
MHz 200 MSa/s --- Loaded!!!!!
Includes HP 54657A
Measurement / Storage Module
All Probes, Accessories
and Manuals Included

The HP 54645D seamlessly
integrates logic channels into an oscilloscope to offer new measurement
capability for designers of combined analog and digital systems. Analog and
digital on one display, aligned in time, to help you isolate cause and
effect in complex circuits.
A fully integrated digital oscilloscope and logic timing analyzer, the HP
54645D offers 16 timing channels with 400 Msa/s on 8 channels, 200 Msa/s on
16 channels with 2 MB of memory per logic channel. Add a dual-channel 100
MHz scope with 200 Msa/s and 1 MB of memory per scope channel. With
the HP 54657A Measurement /
Storage Module which adds world class features to the HP 54645D including 16 automatic measurements as well as a range of
addition, subtraction, mask and FFT functions. This module also adds
IEEE-488 (HP-IB) Interface. Put this together with powerful triggering
and HP’s exclusive MegaZoom technology in a responsive, easy-to-use package,
and your mixed signal troubleshooting just got easier.
This scope is in like new
condition. It includes all accessories which are listed below in
detail. A complete set of manuals and software still in their original
packaging are also included. Complete details of all the included
options, accessories and manuals are provided below.
Product Features
- Dual-channel 100-MHz scope with 200
- 1 MB of memory per scope channel 16
logic timing channels with 400 MSa/s on 8 Channels, 200 MSa/s on 16
- 2 MB of memory per logic channel
- HP MegaZoom technology allows deep
memory capture and a responsive display
- Simple easy-to-use controls
- Powerful triggering
- Very Compact - Only about 12 inches

Included with
this auction are a complete set of probes and accessories.
- 2 HP 10441A 10x Oscilloscope Probes
with all accessories including spare tips.
- 2 BNC to BNC Jumper Cables
- 1 HP 16 Channel Logic Analyzer Cable
and Pod with full set of surface mount grabbers.
- 1 HP Power Cord

A complete set of
manuals and software still in their original packaging are included.
- HP 54645D MSO User and Service Guide
- HP 54657A Measurement & Storage Module User Guide
- HP 54645D MSO Programmer's Guide
- HP 54600-Series Programmer's Guide
- HP 54600-Series Instruments I/O Function Guide
- HP 54600-SeriesFast Fourier Transform Product Note
system, Scope channels 1 & 2
Bandwidth (3dB) dc to 100 MHz @ >= 10 mv/div
(> 75 Mhz @ < 10 mv/div)
ac coupled 1.5 Hz to 100 MHz
Risetime (calculated) ~ 3.5 ns @ > 10 mv/div, (< 4.6 ns
@ < 10 mv/div)
Dynamic input range ±32 V or ± 8 div whichever is less
Math Functions Channel 1 + or - channel 2
Input resistance 1 Mohm
Input capacitance ~13pF
Maximum input 400V (dc + peak ac)
Range 1mV/div to 5V/div
Accuracy ± 1.5% FS
Vernier Fully calibrated, accuracy ± 3% FS
Single Cursor Accuracy Vertical gain accuracy ±1.2% full scale ± 0.5% of position value
Dual Cursor Accuracy Vertical gain ± 0.4% of full scale
BW limit Approx. 20 MHz
Coupling ac, dc, GND
Channel isolation dc to 20 MHz >40 dB (with channels at same v/div)
20 MHz to 100 MHz >30 dB
Inversion Channel 1 and channel 2
Logic channels:
16 channels (0-15) in two pods of 8 channels each
Maximum input voltage ±40 volts peak
Threshold range ±6.0 volts in 50 mV increments
Threshold accuracy ±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting)
Input dynamic range ±10 Volts about threshold
Minimum input To meet the timing specifications the threshold
voltage overdrive value must be within 20 % of the 50% voltage
point of the input signal
Minimum input voltage swing 500 mV peak to peak
Input resistance 100 K ohm
Input capacitance Approx 8 pF
Channel-to-channel skew 2 ns typical, 3 ns max
Pre-defined thresholds TTL = 1.4V, CMOS = 2.5V, ECL = -1.3V
system, scope and logic channels
Sweep speeds 50 s/div to 2 ns/div main and delayed
Accuracy ± 0.01%
Vernier Accuracy = ± 0.05%
Horizontal resolution 40 ps

Scope Cursor accuracy
Single channel Horizontal accuracy ±0.2% of screen width ±40 ps
Dual channel Horizontal accuracy ±0.2% of screen width ±80 ps
Delay jitter < 10 ppm
Logic cursor accuracy
Single channel Horizontal accuracy ± 0.2% of screen width
±1 logic sample period
Dual channel Horizontal accuracy ± 0.2% of screen width
± 1 logic sample period ± chan-to-chan skew
Delay jitter < 10 ppm Delay range
Delay range
Pre-trigger (negative delay): At least 1 screen width or 2.5 msec
Post-trigger (from trigger point to end of sweep): 500 seconds

Delayed sweep
Delayed Sweep expansion: Delayed timebase can be as fast as 2 nsec/div
but must be at least 2X the main timebase. Delayed sweep display is an
expansion of the same data acquisition as the main.
HP MegaZoom technology (Post acquisition Pan and Zoom): The time/div
and delay controls allow any part of the acquired waveform display to
be expanded to the full extent of the memory available.
Modes Auto, Autolevel, & Normal
Holdoff ~ 200 ns to ~ 25 seconds
Edge triggering Rising or falling on any of
the 18 input channels
Pattern triggering A pattern of high, low, and don't-care
levels and a rising or falling edge
can be established across all 18 channels.
The analog channel's high level is defined
by that channel's trigger level.
Selectable as glitch, advanced pattern, or TV
Glitch Less than, greater than, or
within specified range
Source Any of the 18 input channels
Polarity Rising or falling
Minimum pulse width setting 8 ns
Advanced pattern Up to two trigger terms (P1 and P2) and two
edge terms (E1 and E2) may be established
and these terms can be combined as follows:
AND, OR, Then, Entered, Exited, Duration <,
Duration >, Duration range.
TV Available on scope channels only
TV line and field 0.5 divisions of composite synch
required for stable display
Oscilloscope analog triggering
Sensitivity, DC to 25 MHz > 10 mV/div <= 3.5 div or 3.5 mV
< 10 mV/div <= 1 div or 2 mV
Sensitivity, 25MHz to 100MHz > 10 mV/div <= 1 div or 10 mV
< 10 mV/div <= 1.5 div or 3 mV
Sources CH 1, CH 2, & line
Coupling dc, ac, HF reject, LF reject, noise reject
HF reject and LF reject -3dB @ 50 kHz.
Bandwidth 100 MHz
Phase error @ 1 MHz 1.8 degrees
Maximum display rate 3 million samples per second with
sufficient trigger rate and vectors off.
60 full screens per second, vectors on.
Average Selectable as smoothing, 4, 8, 16, 32,
64, 128, and 256 averages.
Roll mode At sweep speeds of 200 ms/div and slower,
data moves across the display from right
to left with no dead time.

acquisition system
Maximum sampling rate 200 MSa/s on each channel
Single shot bandwidth 25 MHz
Sample rate accuracy 0.01%
Simultaneous capture on both channels
Vertical resolution 8 bits
Peak detection Can capture and display a pulse at least
5 nsec wide at any timebase setting.
Maximum memory depth 1 MB samples per channel
acquisition system
Vertical resolution 1 bit
Maximum sampling rate 400 MSa/s on one pod,
200 MSa/s on two pods
Sample Period Accuracy ± 0.01%
Simultaneous capture on all channels
Peak detection Will capture and display a pulse at least
5 nsec wide at any time base setting.
Maximum memory depth 2 MB samples per channel on one pod,
1 MB samples when both pods are used.
Display system
Display 7 inch raster monochrome CRT
Resolution 255 vertical by 500 horizontal points.
Controls Front-panel intensity
Vectors Selectable on/off
Graticle 8 X10 grid, frame, & none
Automatic measurements Measurements continuously updated, markers indicate measurement
Voltage V AVG (dc), V RMS, V PP, V MIN, & V MAX
Time Frequency, Period, + Pulse Width, - Pulse Width, Duty Cycle, Rise Time & Fall Time.
Cursors Manually or automatically placed Read out of time, 1/time, voltage
Setup functions
Autoscale Finds and displays all active channels, sets trigger
to highest numbered channel, sets vertical sensitivity
on active channels, time base to display 1.8 periods
Save/recall (non-volatile) 10 set-ups can be saved/recalled from non-volatile memory
Trace (pixel) memory 2 volatile
User-defined All channels may be assigned a user-defined
channel labels label of up to 6 characters. Labels displayed
in place of 1st division of waveform.
Calibrator Output:
Frequency ~ 1.2 kHz
Amplitude 5V
EMI Commercial Meets FTZ 1046 class B
Mil-T-28800D Meets requirements in accordance with paragraph
3.8.3 EMI Type III, and MIL-STD-461C
as modified by table XII
CE01,CE03 yes
CS01,CS02,CS06 yes
REO1v 15 dB relaxation to 20 kHz;
exceptioned from 20 kHz to 50 kHz
REO2 (with Opt 002) Full limits of class A1c and A1f
REO2 (without Opt 002) 10 dB relaxation from 14 kHz to 100 kHz
RSO2 Exceptioned
RS03 (with Opt 001) Slight trace shift from 80 Mhz to 200 mHz
Size 35.26 x 17.27 x 31.75cm
12.7W x 6.8H x 12.5D in. (excluding handle)
Weight 6.35 Kgs (~ 14 lbs)
Power usage ~90 W
Voltage 88-250 VAC
Line voltage selection Automatic
Frequency 45-440 Hz
This instrument meets the requirements of MIL-T-28800D for Type III,
Class 3 Style D equipment as described below
Shock: HP class B1 and MIL-T-28800 style D, class 3 operating: 30g, 1/2 sine,
11 ms duration, 3 shocks per axis along major axis. Total of 18 shocks.
Vibration operation: 15 minutes along each of 3 major axes;
0.64 mm (0.025 inch) p-p displacement, 10 Hz to 55 Hz in one-minute cycles.
Held for 10 minutes at 55 Hz (4 g at 55 Hz).
Altitude: operating to 4500 M (15,000 ft), non-operating to 15,000 M (50,000 ft)
Humidity: operating 95% RH at 40 C for 24 hrs
Non-operating 90% RH at 65 C, 24 hrs
Ambient temperature: operating -10 C to 55 C,
non-operating -51 C to +71 C
Safety: CSA Certification , IEC 1010