HP 8350A
Oscillator Mainframe
HP 83550A
Plug-In 5-20 GHz

HP 8350A Sweep Oscillator provides swept and CW
frequency functions. Adds five markers with extensive capabilities,
versatile data entry and complete HP-IB programmability. Accepts the 86200
(with adapter) and 83500 series of plug-ins for true versatility. The 8350A
is shown above with 83525B plug-in. Frequency range is dependent upon
plug-in used. Mainframe features also include the ability to save & recall
up to 9 different front-panel settings.

The HP 83550A is a high power
5.0-20.0 GHz plug-in that provides +20 dBm of output power to 18.6 GHz and
+18 dBm of output power from
18.6 to 20.0 GHz. This high output power is internally leveled with
variations of less than ± 1.25 dB. The output power has a range of at least
18 dB that is expandable to > 68 dB with option 002 (50 dB step attenuator)
and the frequency output is accurate to ± 20 MHz.

The HP 83550A is also equipped to
drive the HP millimeter-wave source modules directly. These modules are
frequency multipliers that effectively extend Hewlett-Packard's microwave
sources like the HP 83550A to the millimeter-wave frequency range.

This HP 8350A is in good physical condition.
Electrically it has some minor problems. When adjusting the level
control on the 83550A the output signal is periodically erratic. When
it settles, the signal is fine as can be seen in the photo below. So
bid accordingly.
