New Wayne Kerr PSG 2400L 2.4GHz
Sweep Signal Generator

This Wayne Kerr PSG 2400L features compact size, beautifully construction
and exceptional Mil-Spec performance from 100 KHz to 2 GHz with extended
performance to 2.4 GHz. I believe the factory warranty extends to 2007.
This instrument is in like new condition
and has only a few hours of time on it.

- Frequency coverage from 100KHz to 2.4Ghz
with up to 1Hz resolution
- Amplitudes of -125.0dBm (0.13uV) to +13dBm
(1.0Vrms) into 50ohms with up to 0.05dB resolution
- Modulation Modes include AM, FM, Phase, and
Pulse from both internal and external source.
- AM Modulation: 0 to 99% 0.1 Resolution,
50Hz to 25Khz 3dB
- FM Modulation: 10Hz to 200KHz
- Phase Modulation: 0 - 10.0rads, 0.01rad
- Pulse Modulation: 100KHz to 2.4GHz greater
then 60dB Pulse Rep Rate .1Hz to 500KHz
- The internal modulation synthesizer range
is from 0.1Hz to 500KHz with .2% THD at 1KHz
- Sweep Functions: Carrier Frequency, Carrier
Level, Modulation Frequency, Modulation Level
- Start and stop is fully adjustable within
any range at sweep time from 1 to 999 seconds
- Internal or external time base: 10MHz
- The instruments from panel layout is both user friendly and
comprehensive. Numeric entries can be made from both thumbwheel and keypad. All
functions can also be accessed thru the IEEE-488 interface.
- Front Panel is 13 inches (330mm) wide and 5,7 (145mm)
inches high, Depth is approx 20 inches.
- Weight is 33.8 lbs (15.3Kg)

Spectral display of a 2 GHz
signal from the PSG2400L

I believe we have the manual still in the
wrapper and the tutorial CD. We can't find them right now but if we
find them before the equipment is shipped, we will include them.

This instrument was manufactured in April
2001 and is under manufactures warranty until April 2007.

Shipping Policy
Buyer will pay $45.00 packing and shipping in the
continental United States. We will make every effort to ship within 24
hours of receipt of payment. We ship with FedEx & UPS only. We will be
glad to ship with other carriers using the purchasers shipping account.
Please contact us to make any special shipping arrangements. For shipping rate
research, our shipping address is Boulder, CO USA ---- Zip Code is 80305.
Foreign buyers:
Unless special provisions have
been made, you are responsible for making your own shipping arrangements and all
costs related to customs, duties & special packaging requirements.
Please do not ask us to quote you international shipping rates. Use the
address information above to research you own shipping rates. You can
to get the packaging fee, package weight and size for your research. Items sold outside the USA are sold as is.